Thursday, April 28, 2005


Yahoo!News/AP: crows may be behind exploding toads

Berlin- A Berlin verterinarian who collected and tested specimens at the Hamburg pond theorized that crows may be behind the exploading toads. Frank Mutschmann said the crows peck a hole where its liver is and the toad puffs itself up as a natural defense mechanism. But because the liver is missing, and there is a hole in the toads body, the blood vessels and lungs burst and the other organs ooze out he said.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 Man who put his mom in the freezer had a strange history

Campbell, WI- Philip Schuth was teased mercilessly by other teenagers because his mother still walked him to school. As an adult he lived with his mother, cutting the grass in his backyard with a scythe and he once bought $150 worth of spam in a single grocery store outing.

But the weirdest thing of all was keeping his mother's remains in a basement freezer for years while collecting her social security checks.


BBC: exploding toads a mystery

Hamburg- "Toads in an area of northern Germany are being killed off by a mysterious disease-they are exploding.

Thousands of the amphibians have died in recent days in a pond in Hamburg's Altona district with their bodies swelling to bursting point. The toads' entrails are propelled for up to a metre (3.2ft), in scenes that have been likened to science fiction.

Scientists are baffled.

Possible explanations include an unknown virus or a fungus in the pond.

'You see the animals crawling on the ground, swelling and then exploding.' German conservationist Werner Smolnik told AFP news agency. The bodies of the toads expanded to three and a half times their normal size, he said.

'I have never seen such a thing,' AFP quotes veterinarian Otto Horst as saying."

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Al Last deadly flu virus found at Beirut airport

Beirut- "The last missing samples of a deadly flu virus mistakenly sent abroad by a US institute were found Wednesday at Beirut airport, a security source said."

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


CNN: WHO urges virus sample destruction

WHO urged labs across the world to destroy samples of a deadly flu virus that killed more than 1 million people including 70,000 people in the US in 1957. The College of American Pathologists said they obtained the samples from Meridian Bioscience a Cincinnati Ohio based vendor. A Canadian lab identified the virus and alerted authorities.

The sample was sent to labs in the US and Canada, and also 61 labs in other countries: Bermuda, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, China.

Do you recognize any countries that might want to produce this virus to intentionally hurt people?

Thursday, April 07, 2005


ABC News: Feds: Elevator man has little to fear.

Now it appears that the man stuck in an elevator for three days may not be deported. Something good comes out of a bad 3 days.


NY Times: Just when you thought being stuck in an elevator for 3 days is pretty bad, it gets worse.

New York- A broken elevator resulted in a series of mishaps both for the man who was stuck there for 3 days, but also for the people in the building.

The delivery man Ming Kuang Chen was stuck in a broken down elevator at 40 West Mosholu Parkway. A police search ensued. Troy Smith 21, arrived home with a friend and was shocked to see helmeted officers wearing flack jackets in his apartment. Police cuffed Smith and took him down to the station to interrogate him. They noticed a stain on his shirt. "I had sauce on my shirt from three days ago. They made me write, "I'm Troy Smith. You can have my shirt for testing," he said. "They kept on coming back and saying 'Where is the Chinese man and what did you do with him?' I said 'I don't know.'

Meanwhile, Mr. Chen is stuck in the elevator trying to communicate with building security, but the security camera feed is so dim, that they can't see him. For three days.

Police discover Mr. Smith has an outstanding warrant for disorderly conduct and he is taken into custody.

After Mr. Chen was discovered, it was determined that he is not in the US legally. Most likely he will be deported.

One bad elevator can ruin your whole life.

Monday, April 04, 2005


Reuters: Man freed after wife turns up alive

Beijing- A Chinese man was freed from prison after his wife turned up alive. She had been living with another man in another province.

She Xianglin was arrested and coerced into "confessing" to the crime. A woman's body was found in a local reservoir but had been so badly decomposed that the body could not be identified. She was takend to a remote house and interrogated for 11 days.

He was sentenced to death but the sentence was commuted to 15 years. He was severely beaten while in jail and his legs and fingers broken.

Upon release She said he wanted compensation for his years in jail and that justice be done.

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